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Corporate transformation and integration

Article 217

Any company may transfer from one legal form to another if it has been registered in the Commercial Register for at least two fiscal years. The decision to transfer shall be issued only after the management of the company prepares a report containing a statement of the assets and liabilities of the company and the results of the budget of the previous two fiscal years, approved by the auditor and decided by the competent government authority.

Article 217

A company may transfer from one legal form to another if it has been registered in the Commercial Register for at least two fiscal years. The decision to convert in this case shall be issued only after the management of the company prepares a report containing a statement of the company’s assets and liabilities and the results of the budget of the previous two fiscal years. Approved by the auditor and approved by the competent government authority.

Article 218

The transformation shall be effected by a decision issued in accordance with the provisions and procedures prescribed for the amendment of the Company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association.This resolution shall not be considered effective until sixty days after its publication in the Official Gazette and in at least two daily newspapers, and the completion of the established incorporation procedures in the form to which the Company shall be transformed and shall be registered in the Commercial Register. The closed shareholding company shall be exempted from completing the procedures of incorporation in case of transferring it to a holding company or vice versa, provided that this is indicated in the commercial register. ((This paragraph was added by Decree-Law No. 52 of 1999, Article II.))

Article 219:

A partner who objects to the decision to transfer the company may withdraw from the company and recover the value of his share or his shares by an application submitted to the company in writing within sixty days from the date of the completion of the transfer decision in accordance with the preceding article.The value of the shares or shares shall be paid according to their actual or market value at the date of transfer, whichever is greater.

Article 220

The transformation of the company shall not entail the acquisition of a new legal entity and shall retain its rights and obligations prior to the transformation. The filing of the objection shall result in the continuation of the commitment of the solidarity in the face of these objecting creditors until the appeal is finally settled.

Article 221

In the event of a transformation, each partner shall have a number of shares or shares in the company to which he has been transferred equal to the value of the shares or shares he had in it before the transformation. For a stake in a limited liability company, it must be supplemented by cash.
  • Merger of Companies (222 – 225)
    Article 222
    The company may, even in a liquidation role, merge into another of its kind or another type. 2 – by mixing a solution of two or more companies and the establishment of a new company transferred to each of the merged companies. The merger shall be effected by agreement between the companies wishing to merge in accordance with the conditions prescribed for the amendment of the Company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association. The merger shall be implemented only after obtaining the approval of the competent authority set forth in this Law in accordance with the form to which the Company has been transformed. The Bank shall approve the merger decision prior to its implementation. A decision shall be issued by the Minister of Commerce and Industry regarding the procedures, conditions and conditions of merger taking into consideration the provisions stipulated in the following articles.

Article 223
The merger shall be by way of annexation by following the following procedures: 1. A decision shall be issued by the merged company to dissolve it. 2. With the exception of the provisions of Article (105), all in-kind and non-in-kind assets of the merged companies shall be in accordance with the provisions of the decree issued by the Minister of Commerce and Industry, with the exception of the companies subject to the control of the Central Bank of Kuwait. In this regard. 3. The merging company shall issue a decision to increase its capital in accordance with the result of the merger of the merged company. 4. The capital increase shall be distributed to the partners in the merged company in proportion to their shares therein. If the shares are represented in shares and three years have elapsed since the incorporation of the merging company, such shares may be traded upon issuance.

Article 224
The merger shall be effected by mixing by following the following procedures: 1. A decision shall be issued by each merged company to dissolve it. 2. With the exception of the provisions of Article (105), all in-kind and non-in-kind assets of the merged companies shall be in accordance with the provisions of the decree issued by the Minister of Commerce and Industry, except for the companies subject to the control of the Central Bank of Kuwait where their in-kind and non-in-kind assets shall be in accordance with the rules and principles laid down by the Bank of Kuwait Central on this. The new company shall be established in accordance with the conditions stipulated in this law. 3. Each merged company shall be allocated a number of shares or shares equivalent to its share in the capital of the new company. Such shares or shares shall be distributed among the partners in each merged company in proportion to their shares therein. If the shares of the new company are represented in shares and three years have elapsed since the incorporation of the merged companies, such shares may be traded upon issuance.

Article (225)
The merger shall be published in the Official Gazette and in two daily newspapers and registered in the Commercial Register. The merger decision shall not be implemented until three months from the date of its declaration of registration in the Commercial Register. The creditors of the merged company within the said time shall oppose the merger with the company by registered letter. Suspended unless the creditor relinquishes his opposition or decides to reject it by a final judgment or the company pays off the debt if it is present or provides sufficient guarantees to meet it if it is later and if no opposition is filed within the said date, the merger shall be deemed final and the merging company or grandfather shall be dissolved. Dah replace the merged companies in all their rights and obligations.

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